4th Announcements and Newsletter

4th Announcements and Newsletter

Hi parents! Here are some important announcements for the week.

  1. This week is Reading Week. Students will participate in a number of reading activities each day that includes DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), Book Buddies, and read alouds! Please encourage your kids to read for pleasure at home this week!!
  2. Sign-up to read to our students this week!Here is the Sign up Genius
  3. Please, please, please remind your child to take their chrome book home everyday and charge it every night. Your child also needs their own pair of working headphones.
  4. If your child is absent, please have them complete assignments that are posted on Seesaw. In literacy there is a weekly checklist in Seesaw and a link to their assignments in Google Classroom. There is also a Literacy Choice Board in Seesaw with links to activities. For math, there are workbook pages to be completed directly in Seesaw. Your child can answer in Seesaw or on scratch paper and take a picture!
  5. Students will be taking both a math and literacy growth monitor. Please help remind your child about how important it is to take their time and do their best.
  6. Spirit Day is Thursday, April 29th. Please come dressed as your favorite book character!
  7. There is a spelling test this week on Friday.
  8. Students will participate in a live virtual field trip with Rocky Mountain National Park Rangers this week.
  9. Please make sure students return their supplies!
  10. Newsletter
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