Notes from the Music Room!

Notes from the Music Room!

April 28, 2021

Hello Southmoor Friends and Families,

Notes on Music!

It is almost May and so much is going on in school and in our music classes! As we navigate through the challenging school year, fun, interactive music lessons have engaged the students in a very positive way. The focus for the last six weeks has been on rhythm. The challenging rhythm lessons have been differentiated for the students’ various levels. From basic rhythm expression with traditional music notation, iconic rhythmic patterns and notation, to more sophisticated syncopations, the kids are rockin’ at every grade level!

Our fifth graders have had wonderful sessions with guest artists from Central City Opera and are in the process of creating a unique performance based on the harrowing adventures of Harriet Tubman in their “Words! Music! Opera!” project. We are creating a virtual performance and will combine audio and video to be premiered in May, (details soon) and then available for Southmoor families to view on Youtube with a security code. (*Fifth grade parents - please contact me if you do not want to have your student recorded.)

Fourth graders are engaged in learning rhythms and basic chord changes/progressions on guitar. Some of them have even composed and performed their own songs for the class!

Third graders and I continue to enjoy bucket drumming. We are starting to see wear and tear on the incredibly durable buckets from all of the rhythms performed on them by the enthusiastic students. It is a good thing the year is almost over! :)

Second, First, and Kindergarten are also rockin’ with rhythms! Many of them have enjoyed the “Share Time” part of class and have wowed us with amazing talent, entertained us with hilarious jokes, and honed their performance skills!

I look forward to seeing what our students will be able to accomplish once we can again sing, and play more types of instruments.

Stay safe, be happy, be healthy, and enjoy Spring at Southmoor! Musically Yours,

Mrs. Roy

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