Teacher Appreciation Week May 3-6

Teacher Appreciation Week May 3-6

Hello Third Grade Families,
Next week (May 3-6) is the National Week of Appreciation for teachers. The Asbury Staff Appreciation Committee has created a super fun plan, and we hope our first graders and their families will help to make this a special week for the teachers and staff at Asbury. Here are the events planned by the committee:
Our Asbury Teachers and Staff are the greatest superheroes we know! To celebrate how SUPER they really are, we’ve planned daily events during Staff Appreciation Week so everyone can participate.
MONDAY - Students have a dance party in their classroom to their teachers’ favorite song! PTSO providing a "Superhero Power Up Station”!
TUESDAY - Write a thank you note to any staff member! Don’t forget our support staff! Asbury is providing breakfast for staff!
WEDNESDAY - Students wear their teacher’s favorite color!
“Stock your Superhero’s Tool Kit!” Snag a slot and help restock our classrooms! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0f4dadad2da5f94-superhero
THURSDAY - Students draw your teachers and staff as Superheroes and bring them in to share! Asbury is providing lunch for staff!
ALL WEEK LONG - Fill out a Google form “shout out” for your favorite Superhero Staff. We’ll write these up and post them on the “Hero Brag Board” inside the school.
Thank you for your support,
Meaghan McCabe
Room Supporter
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