Friday Update
Hello/Salam/Bonjour/Hola Families!
-The 3rd grade field trip to Balarat is on Monday. Please make sure your child is on-time. Buses will leave Lowry at 8:00, and we will eat lunch before we are back at school at 2:15.
Please see the attached packing list to make sure your student is prepared for Monday. Your child needs long pants, tennis shoes, layers in case it is cold, a water bottle, a sack lunch (we will have sack lunches prepared if your child needs lunch from school), and a backpack.
-Reading logs were sent home today, they are due next Friday.
-A reminder to sign up for fall conferences! They will be taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 11th and 12th. Please sign up for a time that works for you and let me know if you have any questions or if virtual conferences or a different time works better for you.
Happy Friday!
Mrs. Bochra