Weekly Update
Happy Friday Everyone!
I hope you all had a great week! We kicked off our ABC countdown this week with A- Animals and B- Bubbles and will continue next week! Attached is a picture of the calendar just in case you need it!
Attached you will find the newsletter for next week!
Monday: Art
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Art
Friday: Extended Specials- PE
Red Folders: In Friday folders you will find the newsletter, new spelling words, reading practice and math practice, as well as some work students have completed.
Please try to send your child with a water bottle so we can help limit the amount of trips out to the drinking fountain.
WE ARE GOING TO THE ZOO on May 9th!! We are so excited to wrap our animals unit up with a trip to the zoo where we will also get to meet with a conservation team to learn more about what conservation is. We are asking for everyone to bring in $5 for the trip! I am still in need of a few chaperones so if you are interested in joining, please let me know ASAP!
Things we could use more of: snacks, black expo markers, glue sticks, shoe boxes or tissue boxes for habitat project, and any donations you'd like to contribute to our student store next week or our ABC countdown things, we'd greatly appreciate it!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :). As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns :)
Enjoy your weekend,
Taylor Berridge