Weekly Updates!

Weekly Updates!

Hi all!

I hope you've had a great week! Below are some weekly updates. Let me know if you have any questions.

GOING TO THE ZOO: We are going to the zoo on May 9th. We are asking that students bring $5 for the trip! Feel free to send that any day next week. I still need one more parent volunteer. If you are interested, please email me:)

Spelling Words: I didn't get a chance to put spelling words in red folders today so you can expect them on Monday.

Red Folders: A lot of art work went home in red folders, so please go through and empty them before sending them back on Monday!


Monday: P.E.

Tuesday: Music

Wednesday: Art

Thursday: P.E.

Friday: Music

ABC Countdown: We have had a blast the last 2 days with "A" and "B" day! I've attached the calendar so you can see what's ahead:) Thank you to all of you who have contributed!

Have a great weekend,

Katie Gray

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