Battle of the Books information

Battle of the Books information

Good evening,

Tomorrow we begin our Battle of the Books semi-final competition.  Next Thursday we will have a final battle in the library.  And next Friday, we will have a celebration luncheon together to celebrate our hard work.  Students will also have the opportunity to debrief on their experience and feedback on how to make the competitions better.  Attached is an information sheet I gave students today explaining the rules for battles.  Please take a look at the attached file if you'd like.  Please take note of following dates:

Semi Finals (May 16, 10:45-11:30)—

Val’s Room 

Val Moderator 

Team 1 vs. Team 3

Team 1: Luca, Evan, Mafthua, Adelaide, Caden, Scarlett

Team 3: Ja’Kar, John, Zoe, Maya, Hailey, Sloan


Duffy’s Room

Angie Moderator 

Team 2 vs. Team 4

Team 2: Audrey, Ja’Kara, Allison, Harper, Jackson, Maddy

Team 4: Adrian, Simone, Jillian, Lucie, Calvin, Zoey


Parents may attend.  Please be in your child's battle room by 10:45 sharp. 


Final (May 23, 10:45-11:30)—


Parents may also attend at 10:45 sharp.  Any participant or spectator (teams who did not advance to the final round) can eat from 11:30-11:50 in Angie’s room following this tournament.  It’s highly encouraged to bring sack lunch from home on this day.  


Celebration (May 24, 10:45-11:30)—

Angie’s Room

All members who competed during semi-finals can attend this celebratory lunch.  Here is a Signup Genius link if you'd like to sign up to bring items for this lunch:  Thanks so much!    


It has been a blast preparing for this competition with your students.  We hope it's been a positive experience for them so far.  Best of luck to each team!  


Many thanks,

Angie & Val  

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