Third Grade Info…and an Invite!!

Third Grade Info...and an Invite!!

Hi Families,

Please click the following link to see an invitation from Sophie and her family for an end of year party! Let me know if the link doesn't work and I will get it to you another way!


We are coming to the end of our school year (it has gone by so fast!!). I have had several families asking about an end of year classroom party. Once I get the schedule for the last week of school I will let you know...I am thinking of doing a breakfast in the classroom. I will keep you updated.


Absences/Leaving Early: Due to end of year deadlines for projects and special things we are doing in the classroom, it would be really helpful if you all wouldn't mind letting me know if your student will be leaving school early or missing a day (if you know in advance). Thank you!!!! 

The next two weeks are wrapping up things... we are wrapping up our science passion projects this week and presenting to each other next week. In Literacy, we are finishing our persuasive writing about water and getting ready to plan our PSA (public service announcements) which we will be recording next week. In math we are finishing up Unit 7 and will be taking our last assessment for that next week. 

Report card window opens up on Friday so I will be working on those and they will be available for you to see after the 29th. 


This has been an awesome year! and you and your students will always have a special place in my heart...y'all are my first group of Colorado students and families. 

Thank you for a fantastic year! 


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