Weekly review

Weekly review

Happy Saturday Families,

I hope this finds you well! I had a great week with the kids. They are such independent workers on their Notables project and beyond.

The fun run was indeed fun. It was such a great time to come together as a school. The hard work that kids out in was great to see.


We sent home family surveys yesterday. I put the survey inside the envelope and wrote your child’s name lightly in pencil on the outside. I KNOW You CAN MAIL THESE BUT PLESE RETURN THEM SO THAT I CAN KEEP TRACK OF WHO DID AND DIDNT DO THEM. please seal the envelope so that I don’t see what you marked, but these are so important for our school’s rating, which is half of our ratings as teachers. I have also bribed your children with candy to return them! (These went out to the oldest and only children in the school. The opposition our usual policy, which is youngest and only. Please check every backpack for this. It is super important and you only get one per family!).


Please come to our Night of the Notables performance on Tuesday after Memorial Day at 5:30. If you cannot make that night, there will be a time on Wednesday where we will perform for the school. Tabetha is working on that time.

Continuation Support:

I am sure you have heard from Duffy and the fifth grade team about supporting continuation by now. Please consider doing this. It is a tradition for fourth grade parents to run continuation so that fifth grade families can relax and enjoy their child’s ceremony. I know that we will have the best turn out ever, of fourth grade families supporting fifth grade! Let me know if this is new news and you’d like to help! It is super easy, there are shifts to set up chairs, clean up, serve cake.



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