Weekly Update and Specials Schedule

Weekly Update and Specials Schedule

Dear Parents, 

Below is the weekly update and specials schedule. We will have a fun assembly on Friday to kick off Arts Week. If your child has not returned all of their library books, please make sure they return them this week. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Math: We will be focusing on collecting and analyzing our data from flying our gliders. We will also take our unit assessment. 

Writing: This week we will focus on writing persuasive letters about changes we would like to see at school. 

Reading: We will focus on asking questions as we read and finding text evidence to answer those questions. 

Skills: We will learn two new vowel teams -ou and -ew. 

Specials Schedule: Mon. & Fri. - Music, Tues. & Thurs. - Spanish, Wed. - P.E.

Ms. Jamie

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