Southmoor Elementary
Gaby Nava-Hernandez
Oct 7, 2019 03:22 PM MDT
$upport Our Moo$e
Dear Parents, I am excited to report that we've received funding approval for a number of activities this year to enrich your student's learning experience! This year we are planning the following outings/projects, etc.:
1. A field trip to the state capitol!
We are so excited to be able to take our students to the Colorado State Capitol. Students will be given a guided tour that will focus on Colorado's history. Colorado History is the main topic for our Social Studies curriculum this year. We can't wait to climb inside the gold dome.
2. Lighthouse Writer's Workshop Guest Poet!
The students have been immersed in poetry. Guest poet, Assetou Xango, has been meeting with us each week to develop individual and group poems for the Southmoor Poetry Night on October 23rd at 5:15. We hope you all can make it!
3. History Guest Speakers!
Students will enjoy guest speakers throughout the year to bring history to life. We will enjoy speakers like Women's History in Colorado, The Ol' Ram Rod Fur Trader and Trapper, and Colorado Mining.
These requests were approved through the teacher grant request process which is funded by the PTO's $upport Our Moo$e campaign. Our ability to do all of these amazing activities is contingent on reaching our $20,000 goal. If you haven't already, please go to to learn more and donate.
To maximize your contribution please forward this information to grandparents and other family and friends who want to support our Southmoor Moose! Also, see if your employer matches charitable contributions.
We appreciate you and could not do these important activities without your support! Thank you.
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