Hi Parents,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We have had a very bumpy Monday here in 110... Classroom and lunchroom behavior has not been good overall. This is a group of high-energy kiddos with so much excitement. We are in many different learning stages and levels. I am asking that you talk to your child daily about his/her behavior and how it is impacting classmates and teachers (negatively or positively.) I tell the class they are here to be a learner first and foremost. In the lunchroom the class is required to stay seated while eating, clean up our own messes and eat eat eat!! The time is short. Thank you for discussing this with your child. It needs to be an ongoing conversation.
We have sent home new homework today! Homework participation has been super!! The pledge envelopes from the Fun Run are beginning to trickle in. All pledges are due this Friday!! Thank you for all of the support on this.
Needs.... Our band-aid stock is GONE!! If you can pick some up that's be super! I would also love some small pumpkins or gourdes for the classroom.
Thank you!! Mrs. Rosales