C3 Communication

C3 Communication

Hello C3 Parents,


I hope all of you have had the opportunity to take some time to unplug and spend time making the most out of this unique and unforgettable summer experience.  On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this past week I had the opportunity to be in meetings with DPS and school leaders learning about the current COVID-19 guardrails and plans for the 2020-2021 school year.  As you know, it seems to be evolving daily.  


I know many of you are starting to have specific questions regarding C3 and what our plans will look like in the fall. Below is a brief update of our timeline.  Please be assured we are diligently working on our programming.  As Superintendent Cordova shared, there is a new student start date of August 24th with remote learning.  DPS is prioritizing the health and safety of staff and students and we will continue to support that priority as well!  


Also, all new families should have received an email giving direction to sign up for School Deets.  That is our main form of communication.  Please make sure you have access and reach out to bappleb@dpsk12.net should you need support.  


Finally, please let us know ASAP if your plans have changed for the fall.  We know this is an unprecedented year, but it’s essential we know if you have made other decisions other than C3 for the 2020-2021 school year.  We have a significant waitlist and want to make sure we are reaching our enrollment numbers.  

July 20th-24th

C3 Plan:

  • I have started to put together a few plans and scenarios with AJ Keglovits using the current information and guidelines given to us by DPS.  We will be sharing those ideas and gathering feedback this week with C3’s leadership team and begin to create a flexible, but more concise plan to be shared with the community.  Plans are due on July 31st for approval from DPS.  Hopefully there will be a quick turnaround early the following week.



  • We will be sending out a communication each week with specific answers to questions we have received over the past week.  Again, please know that information seems to be changing rapidly and we will do our best to keep all of you informed of that information as we gather it at the school level.  Please be sure to check the DPS website for the most updated information.   


July 27th-31st 


  • We will be sending out communication with specific answers to questions we have received over the past few weeks as well as any new information.   


August 3rd-August 7th:

  • We will be sending out communication with specific answers to questions we have received over the past few weeks as well as any new information.   
  • C3 will share their plan with the greater C3 community.  
  • Q/A Zoom calls will be scheduled for parents.   
  • Staff returns August 6th.  We will be reviewing guidelines outlined by the District and begin to prepare for our remote return to school for our students.  

August 10th-14th:

  • We will be sending out communication with specific answers to questions we have received over the past few weeks as well as any new information. 
  • Staff will be preparing classroom environments for students and participating in professional learning.   
  • Registration will be online this year.  There will not be in person registration on August 10th.

August 17th-21st: 

  • We will be sending out communication with specific answers to questions we have received over the past few weeks as well as any new information. 
  • Teachers will be reaching out to individual students and families to introduce themselves.  


August 24th-September 8th

  • Remote learning plan will begin.  


Question and Answer Document 




Brent Applebaum

C3 Principal Partner

Community Supporters
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