DPS Update on Return to School

DPS Update on Return to School

Hello Parents and Families,

I wanted to be sure you all saw the most recent update from DPS regarding the Return to School.

You can access the update here:


Brent and I look forward to seeing you on Zoom tomorrow afternoon!

Zoom Links for Thursday:

3:00 (New Families): https://zoom.us/j/99029668586?pwd=NUxMSk9HZ2I2MkFOSmFBNmRkdmRiUT09

Meeting ID: 990 2966 8586

Passcode: 8MfHdQ

3:40 (Returning Families):


Meeting ID: 992 9975 2033

Passcode: 3Rw26x

4:20 (Returning Families): 


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