Parent Update 7.29

Parent Update 7.29

Thursday, July 29, 2020

Parent Update


Dear Lowry Families,


Over the past couple of weeks, we have all experienced unprecedented changes within our school community and personal lives.  This has arguably been the most unusual summer break that any of us have encountered, and we understand your feeling of uncertainty and need for clarity.  As we continue to navigate and plan for the start of school, we want to continuously communicate important information and guidance for the weeks to come. Our school’s focus remains sustaining the health and safety of our community and supporting the success of our students. That focus takes on new meaning with each new day.  We are asking everyone to continue to exercise a great deal of compassion, patience, and care. 


Denver Public Schools and Lowry updates:

    • DPS will start the school year in fully remote learning starting August 24 based on the latest health guidance from Denver Health experts. For students attending Lowry, their remote learning day will begin at 8:30 with a live class meeting.  Students will then, at nine, launch into live and recorded math and literacy lessons.  Classes will take place throughout the day, there will be technology breaks, and students will end their day by 3:00. An all school lunch and off technology time will be provided from 12:00-1:00.  Beginning August 17th, classroom teachers will begin setting up one on one meetings with your family to begin building a school to home relationship, establish expectations, and provide a personalized detailed schedule of your child’s day.  Sign-up information for this meeting will be sent to you within the next several weeks.
    • DPS will stay in Remote Learning through the first quarter through October 16As the district communicated today, remote learning for students has been extended to October 16. On July 16, DPS consulted with Denver Health professionals, and many health concerns were raised for students returning to in-person learning.  This included the rise in numbers of Covid-19 cases in Colorado, more specifically the test positive numbers for Denver.  


  • The fastest, most convenient way to officially enroll for school is through the Annual Family Update, our online registration process. As in past years, you also will be able to verify and update your household information during Annual Family Update. 
  • To take part in the Annual Family Update, first make sure you have an active Parent Portal account at Then, sign in beginning July 27. For more information on Annual Family Update, visit school
  • Amanda Encinias is our front office secretary in charge of registration. Please see her welcome back letter here with more detailed information, as well as her contact information here.

100% Virtual Learning Program - Opting into the 100% Virtual Learning Program or In-Person Learning is open until August 17th.  

  • Please note that whatever option you select, the school year will begin with all students in remote learning.  You will select an option when registering your child.  
  • Regardless of the program you select (100% remote or in-person), every Lowry student will be assigned to a homeroom class with a Lowry teacher to start the school year.
  • K-12 students who opt into the virtual program commit to full-time, online learning from Aug. 24 through at least the end of December. School leaders may allow students to transfer programs at their discretion should they have the ability to do so. At Lowry, we will work to approve requests and move seamlessly from remote to in-person learning at a parent’s discretion as quickly as we are able.

Parent Communication Opportunities Calendar


  • Monday, August 3 5:00-6:00 pm Lowry Parent Remote Learning Webinar


      • Join us at this link on Monday, 8/3 at 5 pm:
      • This is a session designed to inform you of the Lowry Remote Plan 
      • This session will be recorded and shared with our school community
      • A link will be shared with parents at the end of this meeting to allow for additional questions
      • Parents will be able to request an email followup to their question (if desired) on the survey


  • Wednesday, August 5 9:00-10:00 am Lowry Parent Q and A Session


      • Join us at this link on Wednesday, 8/5 at 9 am:
      • The first portion of this meeting will allow for Ms. Nault and Dr. Jemison to answer questions based on the parent survey sent Monday
      • The second portion of this meeting will allow for parents to ask questions live. Questions will be limited due to time constraints
      • The link for parent questions will remain open at the conclusion of this meeting
    • During the week of August 10, teachers and staff will be attending professional development and communication will be limited 
    • On August 12, the Kindergarten team will be releasing a pre-recorded webinar for Kindergarten parent Orientation. Kindergarten families are asked to view this prior to their 1:1 meeting time with their child’s Kindergarten teacher scheduled the following week.
    • During the week of August 17, homeroom teachers will begin virtually meeting with all families attending Lowry 
    • The first virtual Coffee with the Principal will be held on Wednesday, August 19 from 9-10 am and will continue to be held weekly (virtually).


  • A virtual orientation date and time for 
  • New-to-Lowry parents is currently being planned, details to follow. These sessions will be recorded and shared with parents who are unable to attend.



    • ALL STUDENTS will be provided a chromebook by the district, to ensure we are a one device per student district.  School funds will not be used on chromebooks. 
    • The district is providing support for accessing hotspots and/or internet access.
    •  Distribution of chromebooks will take place between August 17th - September 30th


Office Hours: The Lowry Elementary Campus continues to be closed for in person support. 


  • Our front office staff will be answering calls at (720) 424-5910 
  • Office Support Hours: 7:30 - 11:30, 12:00 - 4:00



One of the most important things we can do during this time is to stay connected and share feedback with one another, and because of this Lowry will launch a Parent Frequently Asked Questions page on Monday that provides additional understanding and information for the upcoming school year. We will share the link at Monday’s webinar. 


Although we are physically apart from one another for the time being, we remain a Community of Aviators helping each other SOAR. Thank you and take care of yourselves and your loved ones.



Ms. Nault and Dr. Jemison

Community Supporters
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