PTSA Welcome Letter

PTSA Welcome Letter


Dear C3 community,
We are so happy to be back together again for a new school year. If you are a new parent, student or teacher we welcome you! We realize how exciting and yet, challenging this school year may be for all of us during these unprecedented times.
While there are still many unknowns for this school year, the PTSA is more committed than ever to supporting our C3 students, families, teachers and staff. In addition to welcoming our new and returning families, we are looking forward to working alongside our new administrative team, Brent Applebaum and AJ Keglovits to provide our children with the best experience possible.
During a typical school year, the C3 PTSA hosts fun events and fundraisers as well as provides meals, funding and volunteer support for our teachers and staff. Given our current status we have no idea what this will look like this upcoming school year. Some of our fundraisers have moved to a virtual format. We hope you and your child will enjoy participating given this different twist. Whatever this format may be, we always look forward to coming together as a community and supporting C3!
We rely heavily on the volunteer support of our families and community to help make all of this possible. Now, more than ever, we need your ideas, creativity and commitment to making this a great school year, despite the unusual circumstances. The PTSA is closely monitoring guidance from the Denver Public Schools administration and C3 leadership to determine how to best support our students and teachers this year.
After the school year starts, we plan on starting with monthly virtual PTSA meetings for anyone wishing to attend. These meetings are a good chance for you to hear from our administrators and/or teachers and to keep informed on how best to support both the PTSA and C3 as a whole. We hope you will bring your thoughts and ideas on how to maintain our strong community. Meeting dates and times can be found in our upcoming August newsletter and will be posted to our PTSA website and in our PTSA Deets folder.
We are currently seeking to fill our Vice President board position. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please send an email to
Finally, we would love to have you join the PTSA as a member. The more members we have the stronger we are as a PTSA. Click here to join: C3 PTSA Membership
Thank you for your support!
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