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Place Bridge Academy
Roxie Berkman
Jul 27, 2020 11:51 AM MDT
A Message from the Principal - Mr. Andrew Schutz - Updates on the 2020/2021 School Year - Please Read
Hello PBA families and community,
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. I want to say again how excited I am to be joining the PBA school community, and I look forward to connecting with each one of you when the opportunity allows. While we know that the start of the school year will look different, we are still very excited for it to begin and for the opportunity to connect with our students!
I know that you have been receiving updates from the district, and reading reports in the media about what school will look like this fall. While the plans for what in-person instruction will look like are still being finalized, I want you to know that we plan to follow all health guidelines and will do absolutely everything that we can to keep our students and staff as safe as possible. We also intend to share our plans for both remote and in-person learning as soon as we are able.
As you probably already know, you have the option to choose in-person or 100% remote learning options for your child. If you choose in-person, that could take the form of 100% in-person for all students, periodic remote learning, or a hybrid of the two. That will depend on the current health guidelines and the decisions made at a district level. If you choose 100% remote, you will be opting into that option until December.
Here are some of the measures that DPS schools will be taking to keep everyone safe:
· Required health screenings of all students and staff before or as they arrive at school each day.
· Masks will be required to be worn inside the school.
· Class schedules will be adjusted to keep groups of students together, and limit student movement and contact during the day.
· There will be no assemblies or large gatherings, and breakfast and lunch will be modified and done in small groups.
· Schools will have supplies of hand sanitizer and soap for frequent hand-washing.
· School facilities will be disinfected regularly.
· Sharing of personal belongings and materials will not be allowed.
· Classrooms will be set up to facilitate social distancing.
Starting this week, you will be able to indicate your choice of instructional options via the Annual Family Update (which opens July27th). All DPS families are required to complete the annual update, and this year, indicate their learning option choice. You will be required to create a Parent Portal account. If you are able to create a Parent Portal account, you will also be able to complete your school registration remotely. While we realize this may not be possible for all, we strongly recommend it since it is the safer and faster alternative. You can go to https://my to get started. If you have questions about this process, you can reach out to the wonderful Community Outreach Coordinator Akudo Nwokeukwu at and Office Support Lisa Velasquez at .
Once we have final lists of which students are opting into the different options, we will move forward with creating class lists. While the start of the school year has been delayed one week and will officially start on Aug. 24th, teachers will plan on reaching out to students and families in their class the week of the 17th. Please remember that the earliest that in-person learning will start for the students who have chosen that option will be Sept. 8th.
I know that many of you have questions about registration. We will be sharing more information on that later this week. For now, you can register online by creating a Parent Portal account. We will also be sending out blank registration forms via email and the postal service, which you can choose to fill out and send back. For those who still prefer to come to the school to register, we will be sending out information on that soon. Our plan is to do that in a staggered and socially-distanced way. We ask that you please try and take advantage of one of the other registration methods if you are able. That will help us minimize the amount of people involved in the in-person registration.
I know that we head into this school year with some never before experienced questions and anxieties. We are still tremendously excited to welcome your child, and pledge to do everything we can to meet their safety and educational needs. Please reach out with any questions you have, and be on the lookout for more information on the beginning of the school year.
Thank you,
Drew Schutz
Place Bridge Academy
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