

Dear Wonderful Parents,

I wanted to give you the great news. We will be starting our "Buildings" unit next week. I am excited about this one, we will be turning our learning area into a construction zone with buildings and items for building them. We will discuss and analyze 5 driving questions. 

  • Where are buildings located
  • What are they made with
  • Who are they made by 
  • Who are they made for
  • What systems are inside buildings (pluming, electricity, heat, air, etc)

Mike and I will also continue our Small Group academic work. I will continue to work with the kiddos on developing literacy skills that will guide them into Kindergarten, including :

  • Letter and number recognition
  • Letter sound recognition
  • Hand writing
  • Lower case letter recognition
  • Pre-reading skills (Word tracking, CVC words, Site words, etc.)

Mike will continue to work with the kiddos on math skills that will prepare them for Kindergarten. Over the course of the next few weeks, the kids will be learning about:

  • Measurement
  • Quantity
  • Counting and Comparing
  • Simple Story Problems 
  • Patterns
  • Map making
  • Graphing

Things to do at home:

We will really be focusing on having the kids explain their thinking. As you know, they really do think "because" is THE  answer to all questions on the nature of things. In their mind, it is, because, it just is.  I want us to get them really thinking about "WHY" even if their answer is off, it's connecting those thinking pathways in their brain. 

On a personal note, I just want to say thank you for all the support you have given me and Mike and especially during the Strike, I know that couldn't have been easy for you and really appreciate all the kind words of support, hugs and tokens of appreciation from you all. You guys are the BEST parents any teacher could ask for ( and you have the cutest kids)!!!

In Joy,


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