Classroom Update (5/20/19)

Classroom Update (5/20/19)

Hello all!

I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Here is a preview of the lessons and activities our class will do this week:

TOMORROW (TUESDAY) – Our class earned PAJAMA DAY as a reward for raising funds for our FUN RUN. Please remember to send your child in PAJAMAS for school tomorrow. Stuffies that are able to fit in backpacks are welcome to join also!

FRIDAY – This Friday, the entire 2nd grade level will TIE DYE T-SHIRTS, HARVEST LETTUCE, and celebrate our FUN RUN rewards. We still need 3 volunteers for each activity – no experience required, we will show you how to do everything. It’s super easy, but we need help! Please sign up if you can! We will also celebrate our FUN DAY rewards. On Friday, we will have a movie hour, popcorn party, and extra recess.


Writing – This week, we will finalize our opinion essay plans (Introduction/Conclusion) and complete our 2nd draft. We will also add a paragraph about reflecting on our behaviors that need improvement. After we complete our 2nd draft, we will revise and edit our essays.

Reading – This week, we will read new opinion articles. We will analyze how authors hook the readers and leave a lasting image in reader’s brains after a conclusion. We will also review summaries.

Math – This week, we will continue practicing multiple subtraction strategies, telling time on an analogue clock, and introduce fractions.

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