Creative Curriculum Next Unit – BUILDING STUDY

Creative Curriculum Next Unit - BUILDING STUDY

Hi Izzi B ECE Families,

I am delighted to spend every Wednesday afternoon planning with Bergen and Skip to implement our new curriculum program.  Starting next Wednesday, March 6th, ECE will kick off the unit entitled, "Buildings Study" and we encourage you to read through the attached parent letter.  The program is structured to have 1 investigation unit per week that has an overarching inquiry question and then each day has a more specific question (investigation) per day. 

  • Investigation 1: What do buildings in our neighborhood and other places look like?
  • Investigation 2: Who builds buildings? What tools do they use?
  • Investigation 3: What are buildings made of? What makes them strong?
  • Investigation 4: What is special about our building?
  • Investigation 5: What happens inside buildings?


Please take time to read the parent letter that includes all of our key vocabulary!  We are also hoping to invite people from our community like construction workers, architects or engineers come to visit the students in the classroom. 

We invite you to contribute:

  • Pictures of buildings in your neighborhood and beyond.  
  • Building materials you are willing to donate like screws, nails, paper towel rolls, egg cartons, screw drives, hammers, etc.

Thanks for all your support and love,

Principal Schuba & the ECE Crew


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