Elearning Monday

Elearning Monday

Happy Sunday!  I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend.

Tomorrow will be our first elearning day of the year.  Please email/deets message me with any and all questions.  I will be available all day tomorrow and would like to help in any way that I can.

I will be LIVE tomorrow from 9-10 to go over the assignments and to answer any questions that you all may have.  I can also go LIVE later if it is needed.  Please use the link to join.


The best way to start the day is to go to "elearning checklist" google classroom and make a list of the assignments for the day.  After that, your child may go in any order to complete them.  All assignments will be posted by 8 am Monday.

I will be emailing/ sending messages through google classroom tomorrow so please make sure your child is checking their email throughout the day.  We did practice using email last week but definitely may still need some assistance!

My email is estopinalj@lanesville.k12.in.us

I look forward to seeing everyone on Webex tomorrow morning at 9!

Mrs. Estopinal

Catalog Listings