End of Year Information

End of Year Information

Hello Families, 


The last few weeks of school are upon us. Here are some important dates and information you will need to know: 

Wednesday  May 22nd - The 5th Grade Music Performance starts at 5:30 pm. Please dress them in black pants and colorful bright shirt with no logos.

Wednesday May 29th - Variety Show, 1:40pm. Come and enjoy to the show if you would like to watch your child preform. 

Thursday May 30th - Field Day & Last Day of School for 5th Graders only.
Please have your children come to school with sunscreen already applied. Continuation is that night at 5:30. Have your child dress to impress.

Friday May 31st: NO SCHOOL FOR 5TH GRADE! ECE - 4th grades have a 1/2 day of school. 

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