Family Satisfaction Survey

Family Satisfaction Survey

Dear Families,

Izzi B, values input from families – and we want to hear from you! You are an important partner as we work to better our learning environment for students and families. This survey helps us understand how well our school is supporting your students’ needs and the results will be included in our School Performance Framework (SPF) rating.

In order to learn more about student and family experiences in schools, we are asking for your feedback via the annual DPS Family Satisfaction Survey, which is contained inside this packet. These surveys are anonymous and confidential. We will never see your individual responses, only the total and averages at the school level.

To participate, please complete the survey contained in this packet and return it in the district-provided, prepaid return enveloped by June 7, 2019. Each household should only fill out one survey. If you have more than one student at the school, we ask that you think about your oldest student and answer the question based on them.

We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to learning from your input.



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