Fun Run

Fun Run


Our class is having a great time learning all about how to solve problems using character! Make sure to check in with your student today to see what they’ve been learning through MindSpark Mystery Lab!

I wanted to give you an update on our class’s progress! Our class has reached $15 on our Pledge O Meter. We think we can make it even further to help our school!

If you haven’t yet registered your student on, don’t worry, there’s still time to do it! Plus, once you’re registered, you’ll find lots of fun, easy ways to reach out to sponsors like our Easy Emailer, Facebook Share button, or even the Student Star Video!

Thank you for your support of our school!

Let me know if you have questions!


P.S. The EASIEST way to ask for pledges is simply to click the “Share on Facebook” button on your student’s pledge page. On average, sharing a pledge on Facebook increases total pledges by almost $50 with a single click!

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