Fun Run – Zoom Huddle Today and Run Tomorrow

Fun Run - Zoom Huddle Today and Run Tomorrow

Good morning Isabella Bird Fun Run Families,

The Fun Run is tomorrow! Our students are so excited! Thank you to all of our families who have been working hard to raise funds for our school.

If you are able, please have your child join the Zoom Fun Run Huddle today at 9am. Here is the link (I will also put it in Seesaw):

There is only one day left in the program. That makes tonight LAST NIGHT FOR DONATIONS before the Isabella Bird Fun Run.

Would you consider reaching out to one or two more donors tonight and help keep the momentum going? Extended family and friends are a great place to start.

We are so excited to celebrate your students tomorrow!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Have a wonderful day!

P.S. – It’s not too late to register your child on, share, or give!

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