Great day!

Great day!

Hello parents, 

We have had a great start to our school year!  I have been sending a lot of information home lately.  Please check your child's purple folder for more papers that were sent home today.   If you have any questions about anything please let me know.   I would like to say a huge "thank you" to everyone.  Every single student returned their important papers today.  Thank you, thank you!  

We are working very hard at learning our classroom rules and procedures and the students are doing an excellent job.  Please talk to your child about the importance of staying in their own space.  I usually refer to this with them as "staying in their own bubble."  I understand that this is so hard for little ones, but know that they will get used to it with more practice.  Ask your child about the game we play every day.  Today they beat the teacher!  Way to go class!

Have a great night.

Mrs. Dye

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