Hello Everyone!
Mrs. Thompson has finished our mid-term checks and you can find them in your child's purple folder. Please take a look at these to see your child's progress and continue to work on those areas where mastery is needed. We will continue to work on these as well in the classroom and finish our year-end assessments in a few short weeks.
You will find the May snack calendar and information for FFA flower shopping. Our class will be shopping next Wednesday. Also, just a reminder, there will be no school next Friday as this was a snow makeup day that was not needed. Yay! A three day weekend!
We will be having some Derby fun next Thursday. I am in need of 4 more stick horses if anyone has any at home to borrow. Please send me a DEETS if you can share one with us.
Lastly, if your child has not returned their rest blankets, please send them on Monday. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for all you do!