Homework for the next 3 weeks

Homework for the next 3 weeks

Hello dear families,

For the last few weeks of school, homework consists of practicing for the end of year performance and practicing sight words (if your child has mastered list 1-100, move on to list 101-200).  

For the end of year performance, children need to work on their lines for the play, and and the 7 habits introductions (if they are a child who is introducing one of the habits).

The performance will be on Friday, May 31 at 9:30am.  When we are done with the performance, students will share their portfolios with their parents.  After that we will have EITHER a potluck in the classroom or will join the school in an all-school picnic (I am still waiting to hear about that).  The school day ends on that Friday at 11:30am.

Looking forward to celebrating your children with you.



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