IBCS Council Board 2019-2020 School Budget Update

IBCS Council Board 2019-2020 School Budget Update

Hi Izzi B Family and Friends,

Attached is our IBCS 2019-2020 School Budget document that Council Board created to answer questions regarding our programming priorities and staffing reductions that was first presented last week.  Please remember, this is separate from our IBCS Council Budget process which will happen later in the spring.  We ask you read through the entire transparency document prior to coming to our Council Meeting on Thursday, March 14th, at 5:30 pm where our community will need to reach "concordance" as stated in our innovation plan.  

Thanks for your patience as we've worked hard to ensure this follow- up communication has the level of detail needed for those who didn't attend our meeting last week.


Council Board & Principal Schuba

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