important dates

important dates

Dear 5th grade families,

Here are our most important dates:
This Friday, May 17th: Fun Run (3-5 grades at 9:30 AM, ECE - 2nd at 8:15 AM)  All family members are encouraged to attend!
Next Wednesday, May 22nd, 5:30 PM: 5th grade musical performance with Isaac.  I have heard them singing and it is BEAUTIFUL!!  Isaac asks performers to be at school at 5:15 pm.  He asks that they wear dark pants (no shorts)  and a plain, bright-colored shirt. They are performing Through Artists' Eyes: A Story of Slavery in America.  It is a really powerful work.
Wednesday, May 29th, Variety Show, 1:40 pm.  You will want to attend if your child is performing!
Thursday, May 30th: 5th Grade Continuation! 5:30 pm.  ALL are welcome!
Friday: May 31st: NO SCHOOL FOR 5TH GRADE!  ECE - 4th grades have a half day of school.
BABY/LITLLE KID pictures: I am still waiting for 9 families to send a photo of your child when they were little.  They are for our continuation slide show and it will melt your heart!
Please reach out with any questions.  We are in the home stretch and doing a great job!!
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