Lattes for Teachers! A tasty new way to show appreciation to Izzi B Staff

Lattes for Teachers! A tasty new way to show appreciation to Izzi B Staff

Hey Izzi B Families!

Want to show your child's teachers or other Izzi B staff how much you appreciate them? Well, now you can do that in the form of COFFEE!

LATTES FOR TEACHERS is a Colorado-based coffee service program and the Isabella Bird PTCO has partnered with them. This week they installed an espresso machine in the Izzi B staff lounge! It provides a variety of coffee beverages, hot chocolate (& hot water for tea) from a local roaster, Copper Door Coffee. It uses non-dairy creamers and the PTCO has also stocked the staff lounge with additional condiments to upgrade their selected hot drinks. Our staff can pay a very affordable per-drink cost to use the machine anytime they like – and school families can also use this as an opportunity to send an appreciation gift to any/all staff!

To start, go to the Lattes for Teachers website:

OPTION 1 - SEND AN INDIVIDUAL GIFT: Select "Send Your Favorite Teacher a Coffee Gift", choose your e-Gift amount, fill in the recipient’s name + DPS email address, then provide your name and a personalized message, and complete your payment online.

***Here's a link to view a list of all Izzi B Staff Emails for Lattes***

OPTION 2 - SPONSOR AN ALL DAY COFFEE DAY for ALL Izzi B staff to enjoy: Select "Sponsor a Coffee Day at your school", then select our school from the list. Next, choose the option "Someone Else" and fill out the form according to the instructions below:

  • Recipient Name: put "All Staff"
  • Message: please use this space to request a date(s) you'd like to sponsor the Coffee Day, and include a personal message from you/your family for the staff
  • Email address: please always use "" (do NOT put a specific teacher email here) and choose "send instantly"
  • Click CONTINUE to complete your payment

After you submit payment, you will be contacted either by Lattes for Teachers or Melissa Matson (parent) to confirm the date for your Coffee Day at Izzi B and they will make it happen!!

Thanks for loving on our staff all the time, and for taking advantage of this great new coffee-inspired option, too! Please email Melissa or if you have any specific questions about Lattes for Teachers.

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