ONLINE INCLUDEnyc EVENTS (7/20 – 7/30)

ONLINE INCLUDEnyc EVENTS (7/20 - 7/30)

Attend free workshops on a wide variety of disability topics remotely through online workshops. These workshops are held in English with the exception of July 22. Spanish Interpretation is available for the following: July 20, July 24, July 27.

Register by clicking on each date. 

July 20: Proactive strategies for challenging behavior at home, 5 PM

July 21: Online town hall on parenting in the COVID-19 economy, 6 PM
Presented by Sen. Gounardes and Councilman Brannan
Featuring INCLUDEnyc’s Lori Podvesker as panelist

July 21: Online parent support group, 6 PM

July 22: Parent support group en español, 6 PM

July 24: Understanding diploma options and pathways, 10 AM

July 27: What to do when challenging behavior happens?, 5 PM

July 30: Enjoying books with reluctant readers, 3 PM

In partnership with NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
Catalog Listings