Parent Update 7/24

Parent Update 7/24

Friday, July 24, 2020

Parent Update

Dear Lowry Families,

We hope everyone is continuing to stay healthy and we are wishing you well during these challenging times. Thank you for your ongoing collaboration and partnership over the past several days. Today, we are writing to inform you of the latest updates. As you know, the focus to start this school year continues to be centered around ensuring safety. We are following specific health guidelines outlining what will be in place for a safe return and individualized supports for all students.  As we continue to strive for equity and transparency around the latest guidance and updates from the district and health guidelines we will communicate with you as often and as soon as possible. 

DPS updates


  • All DPS schools- All DPS schools will begin the 2020-2021 school year in a remote setting.  
  • School will officially start on August 24th.  Students will begin their day at 8:30 with a live morning meeting with their classroom teacher.  Live classes will take place throughout the day, there will be technology breaks, and students will end their day by 3:00.  
  • A detailed remote learning school-day schedule will be communicated to you by the first week of August.  
  • Teachers will be setting up one on one meetings with students during the week of August 17th to build relationships and establish expectations for this coming school year.  
  • DPS has developed plans with health officials to safely run a hybrid or fully in-person model as health data allows. 


    • If parents want to opt into the remote learning option, it will be  a semester-long commitment.  
      • This option will be locally run by individual schools where possible, in some instances, schools within the same region might be collaborating to ensure that there is a teacher to support all students' needs. 
  • Chromebooks 
    • ALL STUDENTS will be provided a chromebook by the district, to ensure we are a one device per student district.  School funds will not be used on chromebooks. 
    • The district is providing support for accessing hotspots and/or internet access.
    •  Distribution of chromebooks will take place between August 17th - September 30th

Face Mask Guidelines from the Denver Public Schools:

  • Students will be required to wear a properly fitted face mask should we return to In-person learning. It is important for you to explain the purpose of wearing a face mask to your child as well practice wearing them in a public setting. This will ensure their level of comfort and stamina in keeping masks on during the day. 
  • Please use this resource if you're needing support with how to share this information with your child.

Office Hours: The Lowry Elementary Campus continues to be closed for in person support. 


  • Our front office staff will be answering calls at (720) 424-5910 
  • Beginning on July 27th: Office Support Hours: 7:30 - 11:30, 12:00 - 4:00



  • The fastest, most convenient way to officially enroll for school is through Annual Family Update, our online registration process. As in past years, you also will be able to verify and update your household information during Annual Family Update. 
  • To take part in Annual Family Update, first make sure you have an active Parent Portal account at Then, sign in beginning July 27. For more information on Annual Family Update, visit school
  • For students new to Lowry, please contact the our front office staff at (720) 424-5910 for any additional support or questions. 
  • A virtual orientation for Kindergarten parents is currently being planned, details to follow next week

Thank you all for your support, understanding, and partnership during these difficult times. We know that it is incredibly hard to navigate, but we also know that as a team, we can and will continue to provide a meaningful and rigorous education for all of our students. We are partners in this work, and we will get through difficult times together. We look forward to the time when we will all be together again in person, learning and congregating at school. You can continue to expect more updates and frequent communication as we begin the school year in separate locations, but still together as a school family.


Ms. Nault and Dr. Jemison

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