St. Patrick's Day
I ordered some things for St. Patrick's Day from Amazon. When I ordered the items, it said that they'd be delivered Wednesday (tomorrow). When I got the confirmation that the items have shipped it said that they would arrive on Friday (probably because of the upcoming storm?). Slight problem. They can't be sitting on my doorstep and in our classroom for our St. Patrick's Day activities at the same time. The things from Amazon wouldn't change the activities I have planned, but would enhance our activities.
I gave the kids a choice and they voted privately and individually. We discussed that it didn't matter to me which they voted for, it was ultimately up to them...
We could:
- Celebrate on Friday not using the Amazon items but doing ALL of the activities.
- Celebrate on Monday using some of the Amazon items and doing ALL of the activities.
- Celebrate on Tuesday using all of the Amazon items and doing ALL of the activities.
The class has spoken and they have overwhelmingly voted to celebrate on Tuesday (all but 2 kids voted for Tuesday).
So, we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday. If the kids would like to wear green on Friday and Tuesday, they may.
Thanks and I'm sorry I didn't order the items sooner!