

Hi Families!

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day! It was such a beautiful day!! 

I am sorry I didn't get a Weekly Update out to you this past weekend. Last week was an extremely busy week with end of year due dates, I had something after school every single day, and on Saturday I had to take a big test (that I didn't even think about until Friday night, which is not how I usually roll). I decided to take the weekend to sleep and take care of myself.

Here's some updates you may want to know:

  • Scholastic Book Orders - I sent home one last book order of the year today. In order for us to get the books by the end of the year, I will need to submit the order this weekend. If you want to get some books for summer reading, now's your chance! Thanks so much for ordering books this year, each order earns our class books for our classroom and the kids love helping me pick out books for our classroom library!
  • Fun Run - I'm sure you've heard about the Fun Run. It's Friday morning and we hope to see you there to cheer us on!
  • Chicks - The chicks are on the farm and living their best life. I miss them and their chirps!
  • Library Books - We are going to the library this week, but we will not be checking out books. Please make sure your child brings back their book to make the end of the year easier on Andrea!
  • Field Day - On field day, each classroom picks a country to represent for the Opening Ceremonies. We wanted to pick a country that was meaningful to us as a class. Some of our friends are Jewish and throughout the year, they have shared their holidays and family traditions with us. It has been such a joy to learn about the different ways families celebrate. We decided to represent Israel. We will be making a flag and carrying it as we parade through the Opening Ceremonies. 

I'm sure there are other things I was supposed to add, but can't think of them! Oh well!

I hope you are having a good week!


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