Virtual Learning: Monday, August 3, 2020

Virtual Learning: Monday, August 3, 2020

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow we will have our first Virtual Learning Day of the year - I will need some help from each of you, since it's only the fourth day of school.  All students must sign into the assigned class times via WebEx in order to be counted as present for the day.  WebEx is already on their iPads (2nd grade) and it is just a link for the chromebooks (3rd grade).  It will be a learning curve for everyone tomorrow, but WebEx runs about the same as Zoom.

Attached to this message, you will see a small icon at the bottom to "download" a PDF that will be VERY helpful for tomorrow.  There is one PDF so scroll down if you are in 3rd grade.  There is a detailed note about joining my SeeSaw (2nd grade) or my Google-Classroom (3rd grade).  Please try to do this today so tomorrow, we are ready to go!  During WebEx, I will show the kids how to get to their activities for the day :-)

Reach out via SchoolDeets or email with any questions or concerns you might have.  Let's be prepared and ready for virtual learning tomorrow!

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