Week or Feb. 19th Newsletter

Week or Feb. 19th Newsletter

Hi Amazing Families,

Progress Reports:

I finished progress reports and they should be live on Parent Portal soon. 


I sent out the sign up genius last week and most of you signed up. Please use this link to access this sign up. 

These are student-led. Your student will guide you around the room and explain their learning and what they have accomplished. I will be there, as well, to answer questions.


I sent home two weeks of homework yesterday. Since conferences are the next week, I thought you'd like to have that homework to work on over that long weekend. If your child has math attached to their reading log, they need to complete these sheets for homework. My hope is that they will be able to practice what they are learning in class. If your child did not receive this packet, then they do not need extra practice.

ELA Unit:

Ask you children about the book we are reading, The Hope Chest, and what they have learned about the time period (1916-1919).


Hope you re enjoying the massive amount of snow!



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