Weekly Blast
Good Morning!!
Sorry it has been a while since I have sent one of these! We are finally back onto a normal schedule and routine again...thank goodness!!!
Here is what is happening in Room 207 this week:
We are working on close reading folktales and fables to identify the lesson/central message as well as describing character traits and motivations. The students tie this into writing as they then write paragraphs explaining their thinking while citing evidence from the text!
Upcoming assessments: monthly istation on FRIDAY (I will pass out these reports during conferences)
We are working on Unit 5: Multiplication and Division. Our goal is for students to use multiple strategies to solve division problems and understand the relationship between multiplication and division. I encourage you to practice the multiplication tables with your student at home...students who are more fluent in their multiplication tables show more success in future math!
We just did a mid-unit checkpoint, on the whole the class did very well! Those will be going home today.
We are working on writing paragraphs... in speaking with 4th grade teachers and the expectations for 4th grade, we heard that students coming into 4th grade should be able to write a strong paragraph and cite evidence to back up claims. So this is what we will be working on as we approach CMAS.
I am adding this in for this week...we are having a bit of an issue with chatting in our classroom. Students are choosing to talk through lessons and during seat work. I do not mind some talking during class work as long as it is quiet and not disrupting others, sadly this is not the case. I would really appreciate it if at home you could help me out by reinforcing the importance of sitting quietly and paying attention...It is hard to stop lessons in order to practice those routines multiple times...especially as we get closer to CMAS and 4th grade. Thank you SO much for your help with this!!!
Class Needs
We are in need of some snacks and copy paper. We are completely out of white copy paper in our class, so if you are able to donate a ream or two it would be very much appreciated!!
If you have not done so already, please make sure you sign up for conferences. They are NEXT Monday and Tuesday, those are the only days that conferences will be held.
Here is the sign up genius link if you need it:
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!
I look forward to seeing each of you next week,