Weekly News

Weekly News

Dear Parents,

I can't even believe we are approaching our last 2 weeks of schools! I hope they go by slowly as I will be so sad to say good-bye to these extraordinary children! Our share day on Thursday was a success, the children were so proud to share how much they have learned this year. I will be sending out messages throughout the next 2 weeks communicating about our end of the year events as they are not all clear to me right now. I do know our field day will be next Thursday, May 30. Please note, there is a $5 charge in your online pay portal to cover the cost of your child's field day shirt. 

Specials/Teacher Assistant

Monday: Music/Mila

Tuesday: Spanish/Owen

Wednesday: PE/Susannah

Thursday: Spanish/Vivian


Monday: Memorial Day

Tuesday: Spanish/Vivian

Wednesday: PE/Zachary

Enjoy your last 2 weeks of freedom! :)


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