Welcome back! Please complete Annual Family Update

Welcome back! Please complete Annual Family Update

Welcome to Holm for the 2020-2021 school year!  We hope to connect with our students and families soon.  However, given the need to keep everyone safe, we are asking families to complete the registration process online.  We have a few steps to follow, outlined below:

  1.  Please complete Annual Family Update, our online registration process (if you completed Annual Family Update in May, please jump to item 2 below).  During Annual Family Update, you will verify/update contact information and preferences, provide information about health conditions and medications, and review and sign policies and releases.  You will also be asked to select if you would like your student to begin with remote instruction and return to in-person learning as soon as it’s available, or 100% virtual learning through December, 2020.   You must have an active DPS Parent Portal account to complete Annual Family Update.  Click here myportal.dpsk12.org to log in or create an account.
  2. Please complete the School Lunch application by clicking here:  https://www.myschoolapps.com.  It is helpful if all families complete a lunch application.  
  3. If your student qualifies for transportation and you would like for them to ride the bus once we return to in-person instruction, you must opt-in for transportation (if you have not already done so).  Here are the steps to follow:
    1. Log into the Parent Portal
    2. Navigate to the Transportation page where you will find the Opt-In Program form.
    3. The default for all students is set to “Opt-Out.” If you want your student to utilize their transportation eligibility, please switch the toggle to “Opt-In”. 
    4. Click the “submit” button to save your request
    5. Contact Transportation@dpsk12.org with any questions.

The first day of school will be August 24.  We will have remote instruction from August 24 to October 16.

It is important to complete Annual Family Update so we know you intend to return to Holm School.  If your student will not be returning to Holm, please contact the office at 720-424-6350 to let us know what school your student will be attending.

We are looking forward to a successful year as we partner with you and your family!

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